Dar British Be Comin'
It be a might frighting sight to see hundred of British Red Coats invade yar city, if ye happen ta be a pirate.
I be just an honest merchant man, sir. I says to these bloody red coats who be pointing their muskets at me. On the 5th of Dec at 8pm, the 35th Annual British Night Watch Parade started out with 400 fully dressed Red Coats n' their entourage marched up n' down St George Street.
Ships Log: British Night Watch, 12-5-09
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Re-enactment, St Augustine
Ships Log: Pirate in Paradise, 12-3-09
Ello Bilge Rats,
Well here I be again at Key West for the legendary Pirates in Paradise Festival held from Nov. 28 to Dec. 6, 2009. This be a grand festival from the re-enactment side as it gets to use a real fort as its playground. Firing real canons and using real tall ship, the Wolf. Ye also get to play with pirates from all over the world. Buccaneers camped in historical tents only a few feet from the beach.
Here be two brand new bronze 6 pounds being fired fer the very first time, they be real beauties. The weather be might unpredictable. One day it be like a hot summer day, then the next it be rain n' fierce winds. I wish I could of spent more days in this week long event, but I had to leave early to defend my shop, as I heard that 400 Red Coats be invading my home port of St Augustine.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Pirate Faire
Ships Log: Pirate Magazine #11, 11-30-09
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Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Hot Pirate Babes, Pirate Magazine
Ships Log: Pirate Fashions Launches, 11-24-09
Lets Celebrate Mates,
After a hard year of relocating and setting a new life setting up a new life n' full time store, I have finally gotten around to putting up a new website Pirate Fashions that will sell many of the unique items at my store: Pirate Portraits N Treasures. Please stop by n' let me know what you think.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, St Augustine
Ships Log: St Augustine Pirate Gathering, 11-13-09
Avast ye scurvy dogs,
Finally a real pirate event in my new hometown, arrrrgh! The St Augustine Pirate Gathering is put on by the Ancient City Privateers. I have to say that it was much improved over last year, as the move from the Fountain of Youth to Frances Field resulted in 10 times as many guest visiting the event. They had a parade, which I missed most of since my assistant showed up late. The Saturday night Bucanneer Bash be a grand old time with hundreds of pirates being entertained by several pirate bands. Here is an picture from the Best Dressed Pirate Contest. Over all I did ok at the vending booth, but made new record sales day in the store 3 blocks away.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Pirate Faire, St Augustine
Ships Log: St Augustine Beach 50th Birthday, 11-7-09
Ahoy Maties,
I vended at the 50th Birthday of the St Augustine Beach. Here be some pirates from the Ancient City Privateers.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: St Augustine
Ships Log: Dead Buccaneers' Masquerade Ball, 10-23-09
On a moon lite night,
The first annual Dead Buccaneers' Masquerade Ball held by the Cut Throat Titan krewe in Valdosta, GA. Krewes from Atlanta n St Augustine gathered in fancy mask to drink, party n' dance. This be one of the few pirate ball that actually taught a true historical period dance, a formal one at that. It be quiet an entertaining sight to behold. Here be the group photo of all those in attendance. I set up my photo booth at this grand event, but didn't really do much business.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Georgia, Pirate Ball
Ships Log: Tybee Island Pirate Fest, 10-9-09
Treasures o' Plenty,
It be very rare that dar promise of a grand event exceeds the results, but in this case the Tybee Island Pirate Fest be the best pirate event that I have vended at. Yes, it be more of the street fair type n' not a pirate re-enactment event. There be tons of pirate loving soul in search of pirate booty n' more than willing to pay fer it. Picture here be my new best clients.
I brought tons of new merchandise; both quality pirate garb as well as affordable costumes which I thought I would sell lots of, bit it be the quality pirate garb that sold better. Anger storm rushed in n' poured a flood of rain on us fer 25 minutes, so me two booth wenches, Pearl n' Molly, when out and played.
This is the first time I went under my new vending name of Pirate Fashions, since I wasn't doing photos. Here I be training my other booth assistant in the proper method of applying Molly Roger Temporary Tattoos on wenches. I won't tell you of the story how the local constable almost put up in jail for the weekend fer drunk n' unruly conduct.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Georgia, Pirate Event, Pirate Fashions
Ships Log: Talk Like A Pirate Day, 9-19-09
Aye Shallywages,
This be the international day fer all common folk to Talk Like a Pirate! My store did well all this weekend, thank the heavens that some many folk love pirates. I when over to Hurricane Patty's to celebrate with the Swashbucklers.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Pirate Event, St Augustine
Ships Log: Calendar Release Party, 9-12-09
Celebrate with me mates,
Pyrates, buccaneers n' scurvy dogs every year eagerly await the new Hot Pirate Babe calendar. My friend, Pirates of Treasure Coast put on this calendar release party fer me.
They event got my favorite pirate band, Captain Dan n' the Scurvy Crew to play at the party
Here be some of the cutthroats n' wench who showed up ta celebrate.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Hot Pirate Babes, Pirate Event
Ships Log: Treasure Coast Pirate Fest, 9-12-09
I'd wager a handsome venture,
To start a new venture with Pearl as my partner in vending at pirate events in the south eastern seaboard. This be the Second Annual Treasure Coast Pirate Fest n' the first real one I have done as am outside vendor since startin' up me shop in St Augustine.
It rained while setting up, but stayed sunny fer the rest of the day. Tons of landlubbers showed up n' purchased many Molly Roger shirts. Arrr first venture be quite profitable in a very slow month fer me. Here be my partner manning the booth in one of the few slow times. I am trying to work on my Pirate Fashion line at festivals, as I don't have the resources to do a pirate photo studio in two locations at once.
Down below be one really grand land ship, I want one fer my birthday, arrrgh!
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Pirate Event
Ships Log: 7th In Garb Pub Crawl, 9-11-09
Yo Ho Ho,
The 7th In Garb Pub Crawl had a good showing of 16 pirates. Crab Grabber when out of business, so we changed to McLeans, Prince of Wales, Scarlett O'Hara's n' Ann O'Malley's. We had a real grand time telling really bad pirate jokes, playing lier's die, n' singin' sea shanties very badly. Join us if ye be in St Augustine on the second friday of the month. This month's featured cause be the Diamond in the Rough Farm, as one of arrrr old time pub crawler be part of that organization, so drunkin' fer a good cause be what we're about!
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Ship's Log: St Augustine's 444th Birthday: 9-4-09
In name of God, King n' County,
In 1565, Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles landed at Mission of Nombre de Dio to proclaim name this land, St Augustine of Florida. The city put on a re-enactment of the event to celebrate the 444th birthday of St Augustine.
The good thing about such an old city, is that it has many celebrations fer re-enactors to get dressed up n' attract tourist. Not that I be liking Spanards, but if they weren't here, we pirates wouldn't have any body to plunder, arrrrgh!
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Re-enactment, St Augustine
Ship's Log: Pirate's Magazine, 8-30-09
Cheers ta another issue!
This issue of Pirate's Magazine be featurin' me column, called "A Siren's Call" where I be searching fer women pirates in the modern world. I featured the article on two female tall ship captains, Capt Sela Dai n' Capt Elaine "Insane" Eno. This be dar 10th issue of the quarterly publication, which be found at yer local Borders Bookstore o' ye can purchase a copy at me website Hot Pirate Babes.Com.
Also included in me column is the Pirate Pin-Up, This issue features Victoria Vengeance from my first Hot Pirate Babe Calendar in 2007. I meet her while she be performing at the Hollywood Pirate Ball., arrrgh!
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Hot Pirate Babes, Pirate Pin Up, Tall Ships
Ship's Log: Tiger visit to Puerto Rico: 8-24-09
Blue Water Ocean,
It be grand visiting the old historical district of San Juan, Puerto Rico, or the gateway to the Caribbean from Europe. This be the most heavy defended place in the New World, with 23 bastion n' forts defending the city. This be the place that Sir Francis Drake was defeated in 1595, as well as Sir George Cliffords attack in 1598, and the Dutch attack of 1625. Castillio de San Felipe Del Morro and Castillo de San Cristobal are the heart of the defenses with walls that rise 150 feet above sea level. English merchants called San Juan "A Nest of Pirates" and it's inhabitants "pure devils" fer the loses caused by Spanish n' Puerto Rican corsairs, who enjoyed the protection of the island's fortresses. Every year around April 24, the Fixed Regiment of Puerto Rico re-enacts the 1797 seige of San Juan.
These images n' most of all the images in this blog are available as fine art prints at my studio/store o' ye can e-mail me.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Ships Log: Tiger Lee's Calendar Release Party, 8-21-09
Dance dar hemp jig,
Each year cutthroats, buccaneers n' rogues eagerly await fer the release of the next Hot Pirate Babe Calendar. On Saturday, Sept 12, 2009 will be a wild adult only party with entertainment by Captain Dan & the Scurvy Crew, me favorite pirate band. The party be part of the 2nd Annual Treasure Coast Pirate Festival.
Tiger will be holding a Hot Pirate Babe Model Search for the next calendar. The party be held at 7:30 to 10 PM in Howard Johnson Inn of Stuart, 950 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, Fl. Cover charge be $16.00 which includes one signed 2010 calendar. Ye have a grand time or ye may gut me fer a preacher!
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Hot Pirate Babes, Pirate Event
Ships Log: 6th In Garb Pub Crawl, 8-14-09
Drinkin' fer a cause,
The 6th In Garb Pub Crawl started out with only 6 rouges at Mc Lean's, but picked up 8 more pirate loving soul later. We had a real grand time telling really bad pirate jokes, playing lier's die, n' singin' sea shanties very badly. Join us if ye be in St Augustine on the second friday of the month. This month's featured cause be the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, who helps one of the group's son, so drunkin' fer a good cause be what we're about! Here be a group photo taken by Joe O'Steen in Ann O'Malley's.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Pub Crawl, St Augustine
Ships Log: 2010 Hot Pirate Babes Calendar arrive, 8-3-09
Yo hole, sweet buns of stickiness,
The 2010 Hot Pirate Babe Calendar is finally available, so order yers today! Each year it get hard n' hard ta top last year's calendar, but I be feeling quite grand about this fourth edition of the finest collection of wenches in the seven seas or curse me fer a lubberly Dutchmen!
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Hot Pirate Babes
Ships Log: New Pirate Group Forms, 7-14-09
Mutinous Dogs,
New groups form out of old groups, that be dar way of the pyrate world. Many of the most successful pyrate krewe split ways with their original krewe, so be with the Swashbucklers, Pirates & Buccaneers Social Society of St Augustine. They held dar first meeting at Santa Maria Restaurant, which be a cannon shot from the Black Raven Pirate Ship. I say that 2 groups will alway be better than one group, as competition forces both groups ta be better.
Here be dar Mayham brothers, William the shorter one on the right, be the new Captain of the Krewe. We had 3 mates from the Georgia Cutthroat Titans travel ta attend this first meeting.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Pirate Event, St Augustine
Ships Log: Fireworks over the Fort, 7-4-09
Blow me down,
It be Fourth of July in dar New World n' the Governor be orderin' a grand fireworks celebration in St Augustine. Here be two images of dar spectacle above Castillo de San Marcos. These images n' most of all the images in this blog are available as fine art prints at my studio/store o' ye can e-mail me.
I be guessin' that this be a similar sight that Francis Scott Key saw over Fort McHenry during the War of 1812, which be dar war Pirates help ta win
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, St Augustine
Ships Log: Pirate Art Walk, 7-3-09
Arrrrrrt Maties,
As part of the First Friday Artwalks in St Augustine, I decided to join in as put on my first Pirate Art Walk since I now carry the art of Don Maitz, Michael Noles, Dean Quigley n’ Tiger Lee.
Dar image at the top be Don Maitz, creator of the famous Capt Morgan Rum image. This is his version of Anne Bonney n' Mary Read top of me 180 year old Spanish Colonial chest on display. Below is Michael Nole's Pirate n' Mermaid image, my photo of the Spanish guard during the Changing of the Flags ceremony at Castillo de San Marcos, treasure maps in my reconditioned antique steamer chest.
By heaven o' high water if ye be in town, please stop by Pirate Portraits N Treasure ta have a looks at some beautiful pirate arrrrt work!
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Pirate Art, St Augustine
Ships Log: John Levique Pirate Days, 4-14-09
On the road,
A much as I love havin' a permanent store, I do sometimes love traveling ta new events n' seeing old friends. Well I got away on sunday to set up a small table of me Molly Roger wenchware at the 8th Annual John Levique Pirate Days at Johns Pass. I hear saturday be mighty busy, but sunday turned out ta be very slow. Here be some wenches engaged in a cat fight n' the West Coast Mutineers with Ms Florida. Damn me eyes, but after a hot n' humid day of vending, I be ready fer my air conditioned shop back in St Augustine.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Pirate Faire
Ships Log: 4th In Garb Pub Crawl, 6-12-09
Curse ye n' the ship ye came in on,
The fourth In Garb Pub Crawl be a grand success, we even had some lubber who came not in garb to have a fun time. We made a detour ta the Cast N Anchored this time to harass innocent lubber walking down Cuna Street.This month we taught how to curse like a pirate in addition to singing drinking songs and period games. Join us if ye be in St Augustine on the second friday of the month. This month's featured cause be the Children's Hospital of Orange County.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Pub Crawl, St Augustine
Ships Log: Drake's Raid of St Augustine , 6-7-09
Burn the town,
In 1586, England and Spain were at war n' Sir Francis Drake fired upon St Augustine, forcing Governor Marquez n' his people to flee. Immediately, Indians looted the town. When the English arrived, they took what the Indians left behind, and it is said the killing of an English soldier by the Spanish rearguard prompted Drake to issue his dreadful orders- "burn the town!"
I love re-enactments. We all get to get in garb, fire some black powered, sword fight n' have some fun. But the Devil be angered by some event that I must voice out. Two little boys get dressed up as pirates and visit the Drake's raid encampment. They are unfriendly told to leave the area immediately. The boys n' their mother show up in my shop, purchase a few items to become more authentic but not enough to gain access. Is this the best policy to encourage youngsters to delve into history. I firmly believe in being inclusive vs exclusive. Let people come with what they have, educate them, and slowly over time they will upgrade n' become more authentic. A change in attitude will help greatly in our towns coffer as well as its merchants.
If historical correctness is so important, then the great re-entactment of the brave Spanish defense of the city gates and reguard action throughout the city and its last stand in front of the Government House is a total fabrication. Most of the city ran into the wood before the English arrive, a few sniper were left to slow the English. Why be costume Nazi, what does it buy us? In a time of a depressed economy for St Augustine as well as the entire US, we need to become more attractive to get at the few traveler about.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Re-enactment, St Augustine
Ships Log: Sail Jacksonville , 5-29-09
Sail on dar larboard bow,
I took a half day ta attend Sail Jacksonville fer me love of real tallships. Here be two of my favorites, the frigate HMS Bounty n the privateer topsail schooner The Pride of Baltimore II.
Where dar be tall ship, dar be buccaneers, rouges n scalawags causing trouble. I meet many an old maties n' end up drive up saturday night to party with them. Wenching, Fighting N Drinking, a Pyrates Work be never done. Arrrrgh! me thinks I have another shirt ta design.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Tall Ships
Ships Log: Folio Weekly Pirate Article , 6-2-09
The blood rags,
That would be my artwork on the cover maties. They got more right than wrong about me. They did get my name, address, calendar, pub crawl, Molly Roger n' writing fer Pirate Magazine right. But I don't have a Fu Manchu mustache o' blouse that sell for $100. I do have blouses that sell for $39 and bodices from run from $30 to $139. Even bad press can be good if it get people to come in to Pirate Portraits N Treasures, arrrrgh!
Overall they wrote an article to stir up controversy between who the City of St Augustine is at odd with Pirates. The city claims there have never been any pirates in the oldest city in the new world. Plus they only tell of how the evil English privateers attacked the city many times, but say nothing of Spanish privateers taking English prizes. Initially the Spanish crown did not recognize privateer's letter of mark and hung them just like any other pirate. One countries privateer is another counties pirate, for the results are them taking of merchant ships and sacking of coastal cities. When Spanish n' England were at war, the city of St Augustine almost starved if it were not for Spanish privateers who took English merchantmen filled with supplies. They should be celebrated like Robin Hood.
I agree with the Destination Master Plan report which states focusing all arrr tourism around the Spanish Colonial history alone is like forcing feeding yar kid's veggies. I would rather have the City of St Augustine embrace a wider range of historical endeavors rather than build a plastic water park. People come here for history, let give it to them in buckle loads instead of a very narrow city approved one. If the City is starving for income, it will have to attract more tourist. If the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie is film here, we should board the treasure galleon n' claim arrr share of the gold, instead of focusing on how is not historically correct. Alternative history can be as powerful as real history, since history is always told by the winner. Most of arrr pirate history come from the English, it might look different from the Spanish, French or Dutch perspective. St Augustine was only second to Havana as a Spanish privateer port, who also supplied many French privateers who were at war with England.
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Pirate Store, Press, St Augustine
Ships Log: Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festive , 5-2-09
Love me innards,
It be grand ta finally get a day away from me shop ta venture out and visit dar Isle of Eight Flags Shrimp Festival, which feature the Fernindino Pirates.
Amelia Island is the only U.S. location to have been under eight different flags.
French 1562-1565 : The Island's first recorded European visitor was the French Jean Ribault on May 3, 1562. He named the island "Isle De Mai." Two years later, Rene de Laudonniere founded Fort Caroline nearby.
Spanish 1565-1763
The Spanish under Pedro Menendez defeated the French and founded St. Augustine in 1565. During their long dominion, the Spanish concentrated on educating and converting the Indians, and the Island name of "Santa Maria" was derived from a mission here. The mission and settlement were destroyed in 1702 by the English. Oglethorpe renamed the island "Amelia" after the daughter of George II.
English 1763-1783 :The Island became known as "Egmont" from Earl of Egmont's large indigo plantation. Revolutionary forces invaded in 1777 and 1778.
Spanish 1783-1821 (with 3 interruptions) After the Revolution, Britain ceded Florida back to Spain. Jefferson's Embargo Act of 1807, which closed U.S. ports to foreign shipping, made the border town of Fernandina a center of smuggling and piracy.
Patriots 1812
With secret U.S. blessings, the so-called "Patriots of Amelia Island" overthrew the Spanish and hoisted their own flag on March 17, 1812. They replaced it with the U.S. flag the next day, but Spain demanded return of the island. The Spanish completed Fort San Carlos in 1816.
Green Cross of Florida 1817
To liberate Florida from Spanish control, Sir Gregor MacGregor seized Fort San Carlos in June, 1817, and hoisted his Green Cross standard. After his withdrawal, the Spanish attempted to regain control but were repelled by forces led by Jared Irwin and Ruggies Hubbard.
Mexican Revolutionary Flag 1817 :Irwin and Hubbard were joined by the pirate Luis Aury, who gained control and raised the Mexican rebel flag. U.S. troops occupied the island in December, 1817, and held it "in trust for Spain."
National Flag of the Confederacy 1861-1862 :Confederates took over Fort Clinch in April, 1861, but federal troops regained it in March 3, 1862, and occupied Fernandina for the duration of the War.
United States 1821-Present :Spain ceded Florida to the United States in 1821. Work began on Fort Clinch in 1847. In the 1850s, Fernandina moved from Old Town to become the terminus for Florida's first cross-state railroad. Organized by Senator David Yulee, the railroad ran from Fernandina to Cedar Key.
Lot of people attend this very well run event. The shrimp be good n' I found another olde treasure chest fer me store, yarrr!
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Florida, Pirate Faire
Ships Log: Nina & Pinta visit St Augustine , 5-9-09
Columbus sailed the ocean blue,
The Nina and Pinta (really the Santa Clara) are historical reproductions of 2 of the original ships that Columbus sailed to the New World. They are visiting in St Augustine from May 8 to 19 for lubbers to visit, $6 admission fee.
Dar Ancient City Privateer boarded the two tallship in mass, as that's what pyrates do, arrrrgh!
Posted by
Tiger Lee
Labels: Ancient City Privateers, Florida, St Augustine, Tall Ships